Women in Tech Advancement

About - WITAP

The digital revolution has transformed industries and economies, creating new opportunities and challenges. However, there remains a significant gender gap in technology, with women often underrepresented in advanced tech fields. This gap hinders not only women’s economic empowerment but also the overall progress of communities. CLF through innovative and sustainable initiatives, aims to address this disparity through the Women in Tech Advancement Project (WITAP).


1. Training and Skill Development:

  • Provide comprehensive training in advanced technologies such as data science, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and cybersecurity.
  • Enhance participants’ business acumen and entrepreneurial skills, integrating technology into their business models.

2. Career and Business Support:

  • Offer mentorship programs with industry experts to guide women in their career or entrepreneurial journey.
  • Facilitate access to resources, networks, and opportunities in the tech industry.

3. Community Impact through Roadshows:

  • Organize an annual roadshow where trained women become trainers, disseminating their knowledge and skills to rural communities.
  • Foster a trainer-of-trainers model to ensure sustainable and scalable impact.


  1. Increased number of women proficient in advanced technologies.
  2. Enhanced career and business opportunities for women participants.
  3. Strengthened tech ecosystems in rural communities through knowledge transfer.
  4. Sustainable community development facilitated by a multiplier effect of trained trainers.

The story


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